Well, I've finally done it. I've started a blog. This is totally new territory for me, so please bear with me as I dive headfirst into the blogosphere. Introduction aside, time for some framework.
Before my trip to California last month, church and the Bible were "Sunday things" in my life. Sure, I prayed on a daily basis, and sure, we had our family bible study every evening, but that's not enough. Praying in the evenings, listening to a few verses of Scripture, that just doesn't cut it. Not now, not ever. California changed that for me. Regardless of the time, there was either a small group praying, at least one intense theological discussion, or a riveting presentation from Mr. Cover. That constant focus on God wasn't happening in my daily life, and to be around that for five days, away from the busy struggles of life, was mind blowing to me. I walked into the Sacramento airport Monday morning totally broken, humbled, and overwhelmed. That day, as I journeyed back across the country, I had lots of time to think. Every little thought eating away at my mind consisted of one common theme: "You need to change some things." Those thoughts continued their onslaught until this sermon drove the point home, exactly one week later, wherein I finally committed to make the necessary changes. Those changes are happening, and a new journey has begun.
As I embark on this odyssey, there is one word constantly on my mind: why? Why do I believe what I believe? Why don't others believe it? Why do things work the way they do? Why, why, why? Some of my questions have no answers on this earth. Others, I just have to find. This blog will be my method of recording, sharing, and communicating my thoughts and discoveries as I search scripture and my heart to find those answers.
May the Lord bless you all!
In Christ,
Collin Anderson
(rock) Nice job :D